Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Story I Heard!

A teenager girl almost hanging out until midnight, her mom was always scolding telling her that.. she should not go out so late at night... it is not a good practice.. but.. she din not listen.. everyday going thru the same routinise life.. being scold, next day goin out again!!

then everything started to settle down with another way. her mom den never scolded her again.. just waiting at the living hall for her daughter to come home.. and when she reached home .. her mom will not scold or say anything about her doings.. just walking silently back to bed..

Day by day passing thru.. finally the girl finally understand how a mother feels.. she then start to change her doings and start to think for her poor mother..

I believe all parents should feel that way.. maybe the way they express is different.. i believe.. parents will WORRY for their sons or daughter until the day of their last breathe..

P/S: JAS JAS Said.. when they day comes when ur phone have no more calls from ur parents.. u will feel unfree.. so therefore.. just wanna to TREASURE my moments now... and hope to LIVE WITHOUT REGRETS.. =)


LanceJK said...

wah got update dy =P

baggie said...

Parents will always be your most closest "friend", treasure them while they're still around.... ;)